
Is the cherry bomb muffler going to sound good at the back of the car?
Do Cherry Bombs Make your car louder? Cherry bombs are often used in a system designed to maximize the flow of gasses and allow as much sound as possi...
What was the last thing cherry to ponyboy after she leaves in the car?
What does Cherry tell Ponyboy before she leaves? Before leaving, Cherry tells Ponyboy that she hopes she won't see Dally again, because she thinks she...
Why are the girls at the movie without a car?
Why were the girls at the drive-in without a car outsiders? Why are the girls alone and without a car? The girls are there without a car because they ...
Är körsbärsbomb-avgaser olagliga?
Är körsbärsbomber gatan lagliga? Cherry Bombs, Silver Salutes och M-80 har varit förbjudna enligt federal lag sedan 1966 på grund av de stora mängdern...