
What is a mechanics salary?

What is a mechanics salary?

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the median annual salary for automotive service technicians and mechanics in the United States was $44,050 in May 2020. This means half of automotive technicians earned more and half earned less.

  1. Do mechanics make good money?
  2. How much do mechanics make?
  3. What is the highest paying mechanic job?

Do mechanics make good money?

Generally, mechanics make a decent living, earning a median annual salary of $36,600. But most are paid according to a “flat-rate” system, meaning that they only make money when there is actual work to be done. ... He makes $12 per hour for every hour he is at work, regardless of the workload.

How much do mechanics make?

Median rate $35 per hour

In the Auckland Metropolitan area rates commend $35 to $45 pe hour.

What is the highest paying mechanic job?

The highest paid mechanic specialty is the repair of aircraft. On average, aircraft mechanics earned ​$64,090​ per year in 2019, according to the BLS.

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