
What is the percentage of people who text while driving?
What percentage of drivers use cell phones while driving? Texting and driving laws and facts 7% of drivers are using cell phones (including making a p...
Why do people text while driving?
Why do drivers text while driving? As a form of distracted driving, texting while driving causes the driver to take their focus from the road and onto...
What is the probability of getting into a car accident while texting?
How many car accidents happen because of texting? America has a dangerous epidemic of texting while driving that strongly increases risk to everyone o...
How many people were in accidents in 2010 from texting while driving?
How many accidents were caused by texting and driving? General Cell Phone Statistics The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while dri...
Vilka stater försöker förbjuda sms medan du kör?
Vilka stater tillåter inte sms under körning? Montana är fortfarande den enda staten utan något statligt förbud för sms och körning. Missouri har bara...